Sunday, December 15, 2013

Restaurant Story Christmas Goals 12/13/13

Hey Chefs!! Merry Christmas! The moment we've all been waiting for!! Sorry I took a while to make this, but as always if you're ahead of me, just email me a screenshot of your progress at
Sorry I have a lot of pictures missing :( if you have any feel free to send them

1. A Christmas Surprise 
Rewards: $2,610    XP: 70 unlocks Cocoa Maker

2a. Crazy For Cocoa
Buy 1 Cocoa Maker
Serve 8 Peopernint Cocoa
Rewards: $2,850   XP: 75 unlocks Log Table used for Christmas Cabin

You need
5 Motors
5 Red Gears

Peppermint Cocoa
Cinnamon Cocoa
Snowflake Cocoa

2b. Christmas Cabin
Buy 2 Cabin Windows
Buy 5 Log Tables
Rewards: $2,750     XP:70 unlocks White Christmas Tree 

3.Cocoa With A Kick
Serve 10 Cinnamon Cocoa
Buy 5 Log Chairs
Buy a White Christmas Tree (2x2 squares big unlocked by completing Christmas Cabin)
Rewards: $3,050   XP: 80

4a. Snowed In
Pay $15,000 for a Snow Shovel (sooo expensive just for a shovel you don't use...)
Serve 12 Snowflake Cocoa
Buy 3 Snowman Counters
Rewards: $3,250   XP: 90 unlocks Christmas Feast Oven

4b. The Feast Begins
Buy 2 Christmas Feast Ovens
Prepare 22 Brown Butter Carrots (soo many :( so start early!)
Serve 22 Brown Butter Carrots
Rewards: $3,150   XP: 80 unlocks Mashed Potato Trees

5. Tasty Trees
Prepare 24 Mashed Potato Trees
Serve 24 Mashed Potato Trees
Rewards $3,400  XP: 95

6. The Christmas Roast
Prepare 26 Roasted Pheasant
Serve 26 Roasted Pheasant
Rewards: $3,650    XP: 100
Ultimate Prize: Christmas Visitor

(Photo credits to New Mui Chan)

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Bakery Story Christmas Goals 12/11

Hey guys!! It's about time the new goals arrived! 
Christmas is one of my most favorite times of the year :) also TeamLava's too! They put so much effort into creating beautiful Christmas pieces!
Anyways, if you're ahead of the goals, just send me a screenshot if your progress at or tag me on Instagram @teamlavagames

1. Light Up The Night

Buy 8 Xmas Lights Wallpaper
Buy 14 Xmas Light Lawn Floor Tiles
Rewards: $2,610   XP:70 an unlocks Yuletide Candy Maker

2a. Season For Sweets
Buy 1 Yuletide Candy Maker (but we always end up buying at least 5!)
Serve 6 Peppermint Bark
Rewards: $2,700   XP:75 unlocks Ornament Stools

2b. Festive Furnishings
Buy 6 Ornament Stools (unlock 2a. first)
Buy 6 Xmas Lights Tables
Buy 6 Icicle Lights
Rewards: $2,650   XP:70

3a. Backup Power
Ask 8 Neighbors for a Generator
Serve 10 Gift-Wrapped Fudge
Rewards: $2,870    XP:80 unlocks Gift- Wrapped Counter (used to compelet A Christmas Carol)

3b. A Christmas Carol
Visit 14 Community Members
Buy 3 Gift-Wrapped Counters
Buy 2 Noel Lights
Rewards: $2,750   XP: 75

3c. Oh Light Up Tree (I recommend finishing this one first to unlock the Yuletide Oven)
Buy 1 Light Up Tree
Serve 14 Yuletide Truffles
Rewards: $3,280    XP: 90 unlocks Yultide Oven

To build Yultide Oven:
5 Wiring
5 Fuses
5 Screws
5 Gears

Snowman Cake Pops
Reindeer Cupcakea
Xmas Tree Brownies

4a. Yuletide Treats
Buy 6 Candy Can Lights 
Buy 2 Yuletide Ovens
Prepare 20 Snowman Cake Pops
Serve 20 Snowman Cake Pops
Rewards: $2,910   XP: 80 unlocks Reindeer Cupcake 

5. Like A Light Bulb
Prepare 24 Reindeer Cupcakes
Serve 24 Reindeer Cupcakes
Rewards: $3,450   XP: 95

6. Magic of Christmas
Prepare 28 Xmas Tree Brownies
Serve 28 Xmas Tree Brownies
Rewards: $3,680   XP: 100 unlocks grand prize: Light Display

It's a 5x5 illuminated display of reindeer, Santa, snowman, polar bear, and gifts. It can't get any better than that!! It's a must have!!! 

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Weekly Update 12/3

Happy holidays my bakers and chefs!❄️❄️❄️
It's the update we've all been waiting for! 

Restaurant Story:
I am soo pleased with the new tables and chairs! They light up! Also a limited edition train set that also will light your restaurant! I'd love to get t but it's 41 gems X__X 

Bakery Story:
Yeah there's new tables and chairs but not as elaborate as the restaurant chairs and tables. However, there's a new couch! The Peppermint Couch. Bakery Story has even coming up with fancy cute little couches lately which I will add to my collection :) 

Anyways, I'm anticipating the new Christmas goals, they should be here very soon!!

As always if you think you have an outstanding bakery/restaurant feel free to send me a snapshot so I can feature you on Instagram, my bakery/restaurant wall, and my blog. Send photos to 
Or tag me on Instagram @teamlavagames

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Hey bakers and chefs!

🍂🍁🍂I'm SOO excited about these wonderful new items! 🍂🍁🍂
The autumn/thanksgiving goals has brought some detailed and lovely decorations as well as the delicious seasonal food! 
Since this is my favorite update so far, I've decided to hold a decoration contest! 
I've already featured 3 beautiful bakeries and now I want to reward those who spend a lot of time decorating! 

Here are the items 

And new recipes in Restaurant Story

So here are the rules for the contest

1. Bakery/restaurant must have items from the November goals
2. Use of new items from this weeks weekly update
3. Be creative! 
4. Send me a snapshot and your StormID of your bakery/restaurant to

Contest ends December 1!

3 winners will be selected from both Restaurant and Bakery Story

🎉🎉The winners will be featured on this blog including🎉🎉
(After I add you as a neighbor)
💰2 weeks of tips
🎁2 weeks of the gifts of your choice
I will post your storm ID on the blog for people to add you 
📷An individual post and shoutout on Instagram 

Happy decorating guys and send in those screenshots ! 

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Dazzling Autumn Bakeries

Hey guys! I must say I have seen so much creativity of decorations from my neighbors. 
I have chosen my top 3 favorite Autumn Bakeries 
( In no particular order )

Here is Café de Playa's bakery!
I love the way she placed the Cranberry Candles as center pieces as well as the Pumpkin Bouquets for the center. There's a lovely Acorn patterned tiling too. She has the grand prize, the Bakesgiving  Cornucopia in the front of her bakery to dazzle her customers. 
Here is her ID so you can add her:) she is a well trusted and loyal neighbor ❤️She never makes her customers unhappy, that's why he has a rating of 100❤️

Next we have Sweet Treats's bakery

And her customers
Not only does she have this year's Autumn food on her menu, but last year's as well which customers love. Also with a rating of 100❤️

Last but not least we have Sunny Day Cafe's bakery

I also love his tile pattern with the Acorn tile and Fall leaves tile
His customers enjoy eating here giving him a rating of 100❤️

Thank you so much dear neighbors for letting me share your awesome bakeries! 

If you think you have a notable bakery let me know and send me a screenshot to

Happy baking!

Friday, November 8, 2013

How to breed a Royal Dragon

Hey Breeders!
You wanna be royal?
Then you gotta have this Royal Dragon!
Have no fear! There's a breeding combo for this new type!

On my first try I bred
Magic + Air
You'll know you have it when the breeding time is 8hrs