🍂🍁🍂I'm SOO excited about these wonderful new items! 🍂🍁🍂
The autumn/thanksgiving goals has brought some detailed and lovely decorations as well as the delicious seasonal food!
Since this is my favorite update so far, I've decided to hold a decoration contest!
I've already featured 3 beautiful bakeries and now I want to reward those who spend a lot of time decorating!
Here are the items
And new recipes in Restaurant Story
So here are the rules for the contest
1. Bakery/restaurant must have items from the November goals
2. Use of new items from this weeks weekly update
3. Be creative!
4. Send me a snapshot and your StormID of your bakery/restaurant to suhlesstwong@gmail.com
Contest ends December 1!
3 winners will be selected from both Restaurant and Bakery Story
🎉🎉The winners will be featured on this blog including🎉🎉
(After I add you as a neighbor)
💰2 weeks of tips
🎁2 weeks of the gifts of your choice
I will post your storm ID on the blog for people to add you
📷An individual post and shoutout on Instagram
Happy decorating guys and send in those screenshots !