Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Dragon Story Egyptian Prizes 3/11

Hey dragon trainers and breeders

As you've seen there is some kind of Egyptian event going on
It started on March 11, and is open for 14 days. 
This is the chance to earn Egyptian coins to unlock "individual" prizes and "community" prizes. TeamLava hasn't done events like this before except the valentines summoning which is similar. 

Here is the chart of prizes

1) 100 coins to unlock a pyramid. 

2) 400 coins to unlock the Hidden Oasis (i think it's a habitat... If  wrong correct me)

3) 900 to get Pyramid Dragon

A) But Community Prize unlocks at 750 coins

4) Sphinx Statue unlocks at 1,400 coins

A) community chest final dragon
Sphinx Dragon

5) Cleopatra Dragon
Unlocks at 1,800 coins

Here is the Community Total as of 9:15 PM PST on March 24

 I'm not quite there yet ! If you are feel free to take a snapshot/screenshot of your progress and email me at 
Or if you're on Instagram follow @teamlavagames and tag me !
Your photo will be credited and given a shoutout in the blog and Instagram :)

Here are ways to earn coins:

1.Winning a battle (which is perfect if you're interesting in winning the tournament)
You get 1 coin per win along with a gladiator helmet 

2. Harvesting food
 In this picture I just harvested my Scalypears which take 20hrs to grow so I got 20 coins. I have 6 farms so 20x6=120 coins for me ! 

3. Hatching dragons
I just hatched a Coral Dragon which takes 10 hrs breeding time so I got 10 coins. 

4. Now available in the Quest Outpost
It takes 4 hours to get 4 coins 

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Restaurant Story March Madness Goals 3/5

🏀🏀Hey chefs! Are you ready for some March Madness?? 🏀🏀

For my international players, Americans love basketball me personally I don't keep up with March Madness, but it is very fun to get into when you route for your favorite teams and colleges. 
Basically, it's the NCCA basketball tournament for college athletes both men and women. 
Yeah and that's all I know... Haha if you know more about March Madness feel free to comment below:)

Anyways! Let's start with the goals!
Even though I'm not a big basketball fan, these decorations are very creative and some of the best I've seen. 

1. March Mayhem
Buy 8 Screaming Fans Wallpaper
Buy 16 Gym Floor Tiles
Rewards: $2,610   70XP
Unlocks: Sweet Shot Oven

2. Sweet Shooting
Buy 1 Sweet Shot Oven
Serve 10 Bank Shot Cupcakes
Rewards: $2,750    70XP

To Build:
5 Screws
5 Paint Brushes

I just love these :D the art is fantastic!
Bank Shot Cupcakes
Swish Brownie Pops
Slam Dunk Cake

3a. It's Game Time
Buy 6 Nothin' But Net Tables
Buy 6 Counterside Seats
Buy 2 All-Star Jerseys

(Nothin' But Net is a saying when someone scores without hitting the backboard)
Rewards: $2,850   75XP
Unlocks: Jumboscreen Counter

3a. The Perfect Shot
Serve 14 Swish Brownie Pops
Buy 4 Jumboscreen Counters
Ask Neighbors for 10 Backboards
Rewards: $2,950    75XP
unlocks: Basketball Hoop Lamp

3c. Get Your Tickets!
Visit 14 Community Members
Leave 14 Tips
Buy 2 Basketball Hoop Lamps
Rewards: 1 Gem (we're usually rewarded 2 gems! Why don't we get another...) 80XP

4. Buy 2 Halftime Ovens
Prepare 20 Ultimate Party Dips
Serve 20 Ultimate Party Dips
Rewards: $3,250    90XP
Unlocks: Hoops Burger

What you need to build:

5 Wiring
5 Red Gear
5 White Spring

Unlocked recipes:
Ultimate Party Dip
Hoops Burger
Benchwarmer Pizza

5. Burger-Ball
Prepare 24 Hoops Burgers
Serve 24 Hoops Burgers
Rewards: $3,400    95XP
Unlocks: Benchwarmer Pizza

6. Hit The Bench
Prepare 28 Benchwarmer Pizzas
Serve 28 Benchwarmer Pizzas
Rewards: $3,650    100XP
Ultimate Prize: Halftime Show! It's a 4x4 piece ! And features the lovely Lady TeamLava 

St. Patrick's Day Goals Bakery Story 3/5

Hello bakers! 
I'm so sorry for the late post, I was having technical difficulties .... 
But anyways, let's get on with the goals and prep for our St. Patrick's celebration. 

1. The Emerals Isle
Buy 7 Irish Cottage Wallpaper
Buy 14 Dhanrock Floor Tiles
Rewards: $2,610    70XP
unlocks: Dublin Dessert Oven

2a. Spirit of St. Paddy's
Buy 1 Dublin Dessert Oven 
Serve 8 Soda Breads
(I bought 8 ovens to finish quickly)
Rewards: $2,650   70XP

To build:
5 Motors
5 Springs

Soda Bread
Irish Apple Tart
Irish Mince Pie

2b. End Of The Rainbow
Buy 5 Pot O' Gold Stools
Buy 5 Rainbow Tables
Buy 2 Sham-Clocks
Rewards: $2,700    75XP
Unlocks: Blarney Counter

3a. Apples To Apples
Serve 12 Irish Apple Tarts
Buy 2 Slainte Signs
Buy 3 Blarny Counters
Rewards: $2,750    75XP
Unlocks: Shamrock Bouquets

3b. Making Mincemeat 
Serve 16 Itish Mince Pies
Ask 10 Neighbors for Shamrocks
 (usually this part of the goals is not a giftable item, but it is this time. You can find it next to the dragon scale. However make sure you don't accept too many! You'll have an inventory full of shamrocks like me ... I have 30 unused...)
Costs:  $3,240 X 16 = $51,840
Rewards: $2,910    80XP
Unlocks: Emerald Isle Oven

4a. Bonny Boxty
But 2 Emerald Isle Ovens
Prepare 24 Boxty
Serve 24 Boxty
Costs: $2,520 X 24= $60,480 
Rewards: $3,280    90XP
Unlocks: Chicken Curry

To build:
5 Metal Sheet
5 Paint
5 Knob
5 Gear


Chicken Curry Pasty
Shepard's Pie

4b. Luck of the Irish
Visit 18 Community Members
Leave 18 Tips
Buy 2 Shamrock Bouquets
Rewards: 1 gem(usually we get 2! Why...) 80XP

5. Hurry For Curry
Prepare 28 Chicken Curry
Serve 28 Chicken Curry
Rewards: $3,450    95XP
Unlocks: Shepard's Pie

6. Easy As Pie
Prepare 32 Shepard's Pies
Serve 32 Shepard's Pies
Rewards: $3,680    100XP ultimate prize:

My neighbor Sweet Treats displays the Irish Harp Player perfectly surrounded by the goal tables and shamrock bouquets. 
It's a 4x4 piece with tiny details to bring the Irish spirit :)